Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Notes on Pantheon Club (Dearborn, MI)

As I mentioned in my Penthouse Detroit post, I'm clearing out some old notes. I'm just going to post them as is, so they won't be in full sentence and may not make any sense at all, but hopefully they're of some use to you. Just keep in mind that these aren't proper reviews - they may have been based on only 1 or 2 visits that probably took place 2-3 years ago, and I may have been extremely intoxicated. 

Value (6/10) valet but free for motorcycles, $7 beer, $10 cov. Better than average pole moves

Club setup (7/10) long stage in center with 2 Girls, narrow ledges towards outside with poles and 1 girl each. Decent bar at one side, Ton of chairs lining stages. About 5 small tables and the rest of seating is wavy bench that lines walls (waves make semi-booths). Tall poles

Atmosphere (4/10) good mix of music. older. Crowd but still relaxed. Something was missing though. 

Dancers (7.5/10) consistently solid. All attractive. Doesn't have the super thin model types, but I'm ok with that. 

Attitudes (8/10) very friendly but seemed to be a regulars place. I struggled to get attention but once I did it was good. 

Number (7/10) 4 on stage at a time, several working a fairly dead room at 11pm on a Friday. 

Variety (3.5/5) nice mix of attractive black and white, some good curves and some thin. Some beautiful black girls that aren't stick figures

Dances (16/20) not as direct on offers for extras as some other Detroit clubs but still a very good grind with full 2-way contact

Dance Setup (8/10) booth with bench and curtain

Location (1.5/5) You're going to need to drive to get here, as there isn't anything particularly interesting nearby. 

Overall - This is far from the best club in the Detroit area, but the score doesn't lie - it's solid all around and definitely worth a visit if you're in the area.  

RAW SCORE = 68.5

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